Monday, March 19, 2012

Father’s Day

Every morning before school we try and have a time of prayer with the kids. Friday as we prayed all four spent time praying for a classmate who didn’t have a father or whose father couldn’t make it to the special Father’s Day Program.

It brought tears to my eyes for two different reasons.

A memory of me in first grade standing in the parking lot after school watching fathers pick up their kids.  I remember thinking to myself, “I want my daddy to pick me up.”  It’s sadness, loneliness and some jealousy all mixed together.

But, what really brought tears to my eyes was the sensitivity my children have in their hearts for their classmates.  For them, unprompted, to know that there would be sadness, loneliness and jealousy for their friends who would sit and watch others sing to, recite poems to and interact with their fathers.

I LOVE the hearts of my kids! I love that they have an earthly father who relies on their heavenly father to train and mold and soften their hearts.

Psalm 68:5
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. NIV

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